- 他因贩卖毒品被捕。He was pinched for pushing drugs.
- 他做矿业股票投机获得成功。He speculated successfully in mining shares.
- 他贩卖毒品多年。He has trafficked in drugs for many years.
- 房地产投机生意speculative ventures in real estate
- 投机购买谷物speculative buying of grain
- 当他们证实他贩卖鸦片时,就把他逮捕了。They arrested him when they could prove that he trafficked in opium.
- 做投机买卖是很危险的。It's dangerous to speculate.
- 发展报道:美国指责12个国家在阻止贩卖人口方面做得不够Development Report: U.S. Accuses 12 Countries of Not Doing Enough to Stop Human Trafficking
- 搞期货投机生意to speculate on the futures
- 我是个贩卖美的商人、推销歌曲的贾客。我追求的是实效。I am a beauty-merchant, a trader in song, and I pursue utility.
- 他过去一直做股票的投机生意。He used to play the market.
- 他因非法贩卖录像带而被捕。He was caught bootlegging videotapes.
- 谈得很投机talk very congenially; have a most agreeable chat
- 他是个非法贩卖药品的人。He's the one who's peddling the drugs unlawfully.
- 投机失败Failed in speculation
- 他们挤在廉价的出租屋里过夜,在工厂劳动或在街头贩卖谋生。They crowded into tenement buildings, and found a living in factories or street peddlers.
- 商业冒险;投机a wildcat venture
- 毒品的非法贩卖.the illicit sale of drugs
- 反投机unspeculation
- 影碟的非法贩卖在东方很普遍。the bootlegging of video tapes is common in the Orient.