- 蒂娜很兴奋因为他在期末考试中拿了个A。Tina was in high spirits because she got A in the final exam.
- 拿to hold
- 约翰在考试前努力学习,总算不负他的苦心,他获得了A。John studied hard before the,examination,and it paid off. He made an A.
- 他找到一个公用电话,在电话簿上查到了A委员会的号码。Stopping at a telephone booth, he found the number of the "A" Committee.
- 最终部队硬是拼刺刀把阵地拿了下来。Finally the troops carried the position at the point of the bayonet.
- 汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的字典。Tom must have taken your dictionary by mistake.
- B先生辱骂了A先生,A先生要求和他决斗。Mr A had called out Mr B for his abusive words.
- 他拿了干面包,朝玛莎小姐很礼貌地一鞠躬,便匆匆离开了;He took the stale bread, bowed politely, and hurried out;
- 在腋下缝上把这一点标了A,并把A点与胸点B连接,然后沿着这条线剖开。Mark this point (A) on the underarm seam and connect this to the bust point (B). Slash along this line.
- 比利:有,我从餐厅拿了份免费的。Billy: Sure have. I picked up a freebie from the diner.
- 卡塔尔、乌兹别克斯坦和阿曼分在同一小组,避开了A组这个@死亡之组@。Qatar, Uzbekistan and Oman, thus avoiding Group A, the@Group of Death@.
- 他垫出一张3点牌,并拿了一张王后。He discarded a three,and picked up a Queen.
- 本文讨论了A-B公司SLC系列PLC的梯型图编程软件的使用及其网络功能。The paper discusses the application of relay ladder logic programming softwareand network features about ALLEN-BRADLEY SLC500 series PLC.
- 我错拿了你的手提包,还以为是我的呢。I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.
- f公爵夫人的胳膊撞上了a小姐;a小姐是当今妓女圈子里一位典型的薄命红颜;The Duchesse de F rubbed shoulders with Mademoiselle A, one of sorriest specimens of our modern courtesans;
- 25凡拿了尸体任何一部分的,就要洗衣服,并且不洁净到晚上。And whoever carries any part of their carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening.
- 在上大学的第一年,你全部都得了A吗?During your first year of college,do you make straight A's?
- 这回农民拿了清算的题目,打翻了很多的土豪劣绅。Now the peasants are using the checking of accounts as an occasion to bring down a great many of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
- 版宇宙大帝是个奇怪的小玩具,它集合了A版威震天的坦克以及星战的坦克的感觉。Cybertron Unicron, a strange smaller toy, it seems a mix between Armada Megatrons tank mode and even a hint of a Star Wars tank from Episode 1.
- 约翰没问任何人就自己拿了一些糖果。John helped himself to some candy without an asking.