
[sǔn rén lì jǐ]




损人利己 [sǔn rén lì jǐ]
  • - harm others to benefit oneself; benefit oneself at other people's cost;benefit [enrich] oneself at the cost [expense] of others; benefit oneself at the expense of others; gain at others' expense; harm others to benefit oneself; hurt others for the sake of one's own gain; hurt sb. for one's own benefit; injure others for (the sake of) one's own advantage; injure others for one's own profit [benefit]; injure others in order to benefit oneself; injure others to benefit oneself; profit at others' [another's] expense; profit [benefit oneself] at the expense of others; profit at the expense of others [at others' expense]; profiteer at the expense of others; seek personal ends at the expense of others; seek satisfaction for oneself at other's expense:

    Never do anything to your profit at another's expense. 切不可作任何损人利己的事。



目录 查词历史