- 我们偶尔相遇,就做出了人生的抉择,将我们所过的其它生活统统撇在脑后,充满了截然不同的激情和快乐,遇到了截然不同的问题和失望。By chance and by the choices we make,we leave behind whole other lives we could have lived,full of different passions and joys,different problems and disappointments.
- 后queen
- 斜倚在西部铁杉的树干上,双臂放在脑后,戈登.汉普顿仔细聆听大自然的安静交响乐。Reclining against the trunk of a western hemlock tree, arms behind his head, Gordon Hempton listens closely to the quiet symphony of nature.
- 他的奥地利祖父是位歌剧演员,这位演员突然出人意料地离开了他撇在维也纳的妻子。His Austrian grandfather was an opera singer who abruptly upped and left his wife in Vienna.
- 劳拉把头发盘在脑后。Laura coiled her hair at the back of her head.
- 后的posticus
- 脑brain
- “我不能那样做 ,不能把我的家属撇在田地那边,”克莱姆说。"I couldn't do tha t, and leave my family down there across the field," Clem said.
- 老俩口把别的感情都撇在一边,设法把这个家庭捏在一起。The older couple had set aside other feelings in an attempt to hold the family together.
- 无法抛在脑后Was never able to put it off
- 我就是这样,把雄心壮志撇在一边,每一分钟都在情网里越陷越深。There I was, way off my ambitions getting deeper in love every minute.
- 几茎蛛丝般的白发在脑后迎风飘动。A few white weblike hairs were carried in the air behind him.
- 大卫讲论“基督复活说:他的灵魂不撇在阴间;他的肉身也不见朽坏。”David was speaking of the "resur-rection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades (the grave), nor did his flesh see corruption".
- 中药和西药预防离子型造影剂过敏反应在脑部CT增强的观察比较Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Prevention the Anaphylaxis of Ionic-type Radiography Agent in Brain Enhancement CT
- 她将枕头塞到他的脑后。She punched the pillow behind his head.
- 我并不是声称他是一个世界级的短跑选手,但他无论如何也可以将你远远地撇在后面。I wasn't claiming that he was a world-class sprinter,but he could show you a clean pair of heels anyway.
- 丢在脑后forget
- 这伙歹徒把他狠揍了一顿,以为他已被揍死而把他撇在一边。The gang beat the tar out of him and left him for dead.
- 睡眠使他把烦恼暂置脑后。Sleep was a balm to his troubles.
- 一个人若有一百只羊,其中一只走迷了路,他岂不把这九十九只撇在山上,去找那迷路的么?If any man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and seek the one that has gone astray?