



  • - (抓在手里; 拿; 掌握) hold; grasp:

    hold a sword, cleaver, etc. in one's hand; 操刀

    have full assurance of success; be sure to win 稳操胜券

    - (做; 从事) act; do; operate:

    resume one's old profession; take up one's old trade again 重操旧业

    - (用某种语言、方言说话) speak (a language or dialect):

    speak with a local accent; 操本地口音

    speak fluent English 操着一口流利的英语

    - (操练) drill (troops); exercise (body)
  • - (由一系列动作编排起来的体育活动项目) drill; exercise:

    gymnastics; exercise; 体操

    Let's go and do exercises. 大家去做操吧。

    - (品行; 行为) conduct; behaviour:

    one's moral principles; personal integrity 节操

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Cao Shoujing 操守经



  1. 别为我操心,我一切都好。
    Don't bother yourself about me; I am doing quite well.
  2. 叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。
    Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners.
  3. "请给电脑编制一个程序,以便进行这项工作代替手工操作。"
    Please program the computer to do the job instead of manual operation.
  4. 他操一口流利的德语。
    He speaks fluent German.
  5. 讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。
    It took years of hard work to speak good English.


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