




收支平衡 [shōu zhī píng héng]
  • - balance between income and expenditure; balanced budget; balance of financial revenue and expenditure; balance of income and outlay; balance receipts and payment; balance revenues and expenditures; break even; maintain a balance between receipts and payments; make (both) ends meet; revenue and expenditure in balance; payments equilibrium; Revenue and expenditure are balanced.; live within one's income; clear expenses; expense and receipts in balance; expenses and receipts on balance; expenses balance receipts; Income balances expenditure.; meet one's expenses; on balance:

    “How did you come out this year, financially?” “I barely made both ends meet.”; “你今年的经济情况如何? ” “勉强收支平衡。”

    Taylor's business just managed to break even last month. 上月泰勒的生意收支平衡,不亏不盈。

  • 短语
    收支平衡图break-even chart
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