



  • - (把知识或技能传给人) teach; instruct:

    teach and learn from each other; 互教互学

    instruct students in botany; 教学生植物学

  • - (教导; 教育) teach; instruct:

    ask for advice; consult; 请教

    teach by precept and example; 言传身教

    - (使; 吩咐; 让) ask; order:

    The teacher ordered the children in. 老师教孩子们进去。

  • - (用在被动式里引进主动者):

    The luggage got wet in the rain. 行李教雨淋湿了。

  • - (宗教)religion:

    Buddhism; 佛教

    Christianity; 基督教

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Jiao Di 教迪



  1. 他的叔叔教他法语。
    His uncle instructed him in French.
  2. 这是本有教育意义的书。
    This is an instructive book.
  3. 我教她骑自行车。
    I taught her to ride a bicycle.
  4. 我的职业是教英语。
    My job is teaching English.
  5. 位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。
    Lying north of the church is a girls' senior high school.
  6. 知道是一回事,教又是另一回事。(学者未必是良师。)
    To know is one thing; to teach is quite another.
  7. 教义问答法常用于宗教教学。
    The catechism is used for religious instruction.
  8. 把交通安全常识教给孩子们是非常重要的。
    It's very important to teach the children about road safety.


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