
[fū yǎn sè zé]




敷衍塞责 [fū yan sè zé]
  • - muddle with one's duty; be halfhearted about ...; be perfunctory in one's work; do just enough to get by; do things perfunctorily; do enough merely to fulfil the surface of formal requirements of office without regard for quality; do things as a mere discharge of one's duties; give a lick and a promise; irresponsible; make a display and evade responsibility; make a show of doing one's duty; perform one's duties as routine functions; without care or interest; perform one's duty in a perfunctory manner; with a perfunctory gesture:

    I am sorry that he should be so half-hearted about the important work. 我很遗憾,他对这项重要工作竟这样敷衍塞责。

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