



  • - (字) character; script; writing:

    inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells; 甲骨文

    inscriptions on ancient bronze objects; 钟鼎文

    - (文字) language:

    Chinese; 汉文

    the English language 英文

    - (文章) literary composition; writing:

    composition; 作文

    prose; 散文

    - (文言) literary language:

    half literary and half vernacular 半文半白

    - (指社会发展到较高阶段表现出来的状态) civilization; culture
    - (旧指礼仪) formal ritual:

    a mere formality; 虚文

    unnecessary and overelaborate formalities; red tape 繁文缛节

    - (自然界的某些现象) certain natural phenomena:

    hydrology; 水文

    astronomy 天文

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Wen Tianxiang 文天祥

  • - (古时称在身上、脸上刺画花纹或字) tattoo:

    have a design tattooed on one's cheeks 文了双颊

    - (掩饰) cover up; paint over:

    conceal faults 文过

  • - (非军事的) civil; civilian:

    civil official 文官

    - (柔和; 不猛烈) gentle; elegant; refined; cultured:

    refined; gentle 斯文

  • - (用于旧时的铜钱):

    one cash; 一文钱

    penniless; 一文不名



  1. 他写的论文很优秀。
    The treatise he wrote is excellent.
  2. 他经常给当地报纸写文章。
    He constantly writes articles for the local paper.
  3. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。
    He used to write a column for this newspaper.
  4. 他有文学爱好,也熟谙科学。
    He had a literary taste and was well read in science.
  5. 他有文学天分。
    He is endowed with literary talent.
  6. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。
    I don't like to read his literary criticism.
  7. 先读课文,然后解释生词。
    Read the text first and then explain the new words.
  8. 狄更斯的《双城记》是文学名著。
    Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is a literary classic.


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