


  1. 我在空气新鲜的地方散步就感到精神饱满。
    A walk in the fresh air will pep me up.
  2. 他用电动榨汁机榨取新鲜的橙汁。
    He makes fresh orange juice with an electric extractor.
  3. 有些部落为了寻找新鲜的牧草而带着他们的牲畜迁移。
    Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass.
  4. 你可以在市场上买到新鲜的蔬菜。
    You can buy fresh vegetables in the market.
  5. 打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。
    Open the window and let in some fresh air.
目录 查词历史