


  1. 她从最低的位置干起,通过努力终於当上了公司的经理。
    She started at the bottom and worked her way up to become manager of the company.
  2. 低音部分音调或乐器的部分音阶中最低的部分
    The lowest part in vocal or instrumental part music.
  3. 最不重要的,地位最低的
    Lowest in importance or rank.
  4. 我们得到三个承包商的报价後,接受了价钱最低的。
    We got estimates from three different contractors before accepting the lowest.
  5. 工资提高5%对收入最低的工人来说相当於全年收入增加250英镑。
    A wage rise of 5%25 represents an annual increase of 250 for the lowest-paid workers.
目录 查词历史