


  1. 我钦佩她那强劲有力的散文风格。
    I admire her sinewy prose style.
  2. 那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。
    The man has sinewy muscles.
  3. 他一记有力的左手拳将对手击倒。
    He knocked down his opponent with a powerful left.
  4. 他那有力的论据把我说服了。
    I was convinced by his potent arguments.
  5. 这次失败是对敌人的有力的打击。
    This defeat was a powerful blow to the enemy.
  6. 她由于向党代表大会做了有力的演说而挽回了自己的声誉。
    She redeemed her reputation with a powerful speech to the party convention.
  7. 象用其强有力的臼齿嚼碎食物。
    The elephant grinds its food with/between its powerful molars.
  8. 他那有力的论点驳得对手哑口无言。
    His forceful arguments reduced his opponents to silence.
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