- 有to have
- 因此,多次反复涂抹薄层比一次涂厚层有更好的效果。That is why several thin coatings are better than spraying on one excessively thick coating.
- 我们的教学楼有层。楼紧贴楼顶,其他层在下。Our school building has four storeys. The fourth floor is under the roof; the others are below the roof.
- 有点rather
- 如果你在晚饭前洗洗脸的话,这层有卫生间。There is a bathroom on his floor if you would like to wash up before dinner.
- 有次去肯特参加集体野游,他们走丢了。They had lost their way on a community hike somewhere in Kent.
- 层layer
- 要有need
- 发动机上有层油脂。The engine was covered in grease.
- 有问题something the matter
- 有事have ... on
- 有用useful
- 脖子上有层肥肉的人a man with rolls of fat on his neck
- 有次我集体野游走丢了,就发现了这儿。I found it when I got lost once on a community hike.
- 每层有五个出口。There are 5 exits on each floor.
- 有一天in course of time
- 有层理的superimposed
- 有钱in the dough
- 一层有残疾人专用洗用间。There is a toilet for the handicapped on the ground floor.
- 有意义的significative