


  1. 他考试及格(大[很])有希望。
    He stands a (good/fair) chance of passing the examination.
  2. 这项计画开始时很有希望,但不久就失败了。
    After a promising start, the project soon fizzled out.
  3. 他没有希望获胜。
    He has no hope of winning.
  4. 她时而抱有希望,时而心存恐惧。
    She vacillated between hope and fear.
  5. 唉,现在已经没有希望了。
    Well, it's beyond hope now.
  6. 约翰有希望成为演员。
    John promises well as an actor.
  7. 在奋斗中,只有希望支持着他。
    Hope alone sustained him in his struggle.
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