


  1. 本节目由本地的一家公司提供(赞助或出资)。
    This programme comes by courtesy of (ie is sponsored or paid for by) a local company.
  2. 本地的一些商店简直是敲诈来度假的人(的钱)。
    Some local shops are really fleecing the holiday-makers (of their money).
  3. 自从附近修建了高速公路,本地的地产(价值)已经增值。
    Local property has appreciated (in value) since they built the motorway nearby.
  4. 我们本地的酿酒厂与另一个公司合并了。
    Our local brewery has amalgamated with another firm.
  5. 我很想了解本地的历史。
    I am very interested in local history.
  6. 我给本地的报纸写文章只用半小时就可一挥而就。
    I can toss off my article for the local newspaper in half an hour.
  7. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
    I booked my holiday through my local travel agent.
  8. 我从本地的报纸上看到了这条消息。
    I read it in the local rag.
目录 查词历史