- 当前我们全盘移植西方法律体系,然而在实证经验上仍有?I格不入之处。Divergent views on laws between Chinese and western people illustrate their discrepancies in terms of legal history and administrative cultures.
- 扦格不入Do not mesh, mutually conflict
- 黄土坡滑坡与塌岸工程锚杆格构砌石护坡设计与施工Design and Construction of Slope Protection by Rockbolt Lattice with Stone Laying for Loess Landslide and Bank Collapse
- 可是高格不想听我们这颗星球的事。But Gog doesn't want to hear about our planet.
- 入住be opened for occupancy
- 螺杆screw
- 买入buying
- 自定义任务窗格不能停靠在窗口的左侧或右侧。The custom task pane cannot be docked to the left or right side of the window.
- 登入log in
- 钻杆drill pipe
- 球杆cue
- 放入interpose
- 胞格不稳定性cellular instability
- 丝杆screw mandrel
- 接入switch-in
- 蜗杆worm
- 格不合格判别GO/NO judgement
- 吸入to breathe in
- 摇杆rocker
- 入股become a shareholder