- 睫毛膏一种用于染黑睫毛的化妆品A cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes.
- 黑black
- 出口染黑猪鬃Black dyed bristles for export
- 她把头发染黑了。She dyed her hair black.
- 羊毛再白,也能染黑Thereis no wool so white But a dyer can make it Black
- 黑莓blackberry
- 染上come down with
- 黑的sable
- 转染transfection
- 黑眼圈dark pouches
- 染红incarnadine
- 黑灯瞎火dark
- 晒黑brown
- 染性metachromia; metachromasia
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 血染ensanguine
- 黑鬼nigger
- 染整dyeing and finishing
- 黑点macula
- 血染的ensanguined