- 模糊PID算法在车用数字调速器中的实现Implementation of Fuzzy PID Algorithm in Vehicular Digital Governor
- 基于参数自调整模糊PID算法的前馈共轨压力控制Feed-forward pressure control of common rail system based on parameters self-tuning fuzzy PID algorithm
- 混合型模糊PID控制算法mixed-fuzzy PID control arithmetic
- 模糊vague
- 预置PID算法在未超调温控系统中的应用Application of Prearrange PID Algorithm for No Overshoot Temperature Control System
- 模糊的hazy
- PID算法对水轮机调节系统的稳定域影响Influence of PID algorithm on stability domain of hydro-turbine governing system
- 模糊PID双重控制fuzzy PID dual mode control
- PID算法在压缩机组转速和空燃比控制中的应用The Application of PID Algorithm in Controls of Rotating Speed and Air-Fuel Ratio in Compressor Unit
- 变积分型模糊PIDIntegral Variable Fuzzy PID
- 模糊地faintly
- PID算法PID algorithm
- PID算法对星间光通信ATP子系统跟踪控制带宽的影响研究Research on the influence of PID to ATP control width in inter-satellite optical communications
- 模糊查询fuzzy query
- 基于模糊PID的热轧带钢宽度控制The Width Control on Hot Strip Mill Based on Fuzzy PID
- 基于PID算法的BP网络在被测装置的输出数据证实中的应用The Application of BP Neural Network by Using Discrete Increment PID Algorithm in Data Verification Technology
- 智能PID算法intelligent PID algorithm
- 热处理电阻炉炉温的自适应模糊PID控制Adaptive Fuzzy PID Temperature Control of the Heat Treatment Resistance Furnace
- 数字PID算法Digital PID Arithmetic