- 颂扬祖国的歌声响彻四方。Songs of extolling the motherland are ringing far and near.
- 国防开支耗掉了预算的39%。Defence expenditures chew up 39 per cent of the budget.
- 听众为她的优美歌声所陶醉。The audience was enraptured by her beautiful voice.
- 39码39 bar code
- 从远处传来高亢的歌声。Sonorous singing came from the distance.
- 39届39th
- 画眉鸟悦耳动听的歌声the melodious notes of a thrush
- CR-39CR-39
- 他们的歌声在山谷中旋绕。Their songs reverberated through the valley.
- PR-39PR-39
- 柔情的歌声传到她的卧室,使她感到安慰,把她征服了。Those soft strains ascended to her chamber; they soothed, they subdued her.
- 合丰39hefeng39
- 她的歌声打动了我。Her singing gets me.
- 39条码Code 39
- 使歌声与竖琴合调to attune the voice to a harp
- 丹玉39Danyu 39
- 宴会以《友谊地久天长》的歌声而告终。The party ended up with the singing of Auld Lang Sync.
- FALL-39FALL-39
- 高亢的歌声sonorous singing
- HCGP-39HCGP-39