- 正在in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 正Chinese 1st month of year
- 克隆clone
- 正本original
- 正如be just like
- 急性排斥反应发生后免疫抑制剂尤其是ALG或OKT3的使用与术后CMV感染密切相关。The therapy with ALG or OKT3 after acute reject reaction may be relative with CMV infection in renal allograft recipients.
- 正交orthogonality
- 克隆人human cloning
- 正的plus
- 克隆技术cloning technology
- 不正roguery
- 正大honest; upright; aboveboard
- 正中midst
- 正装formal dress
- 正片positive
- 正向positive direction
- 正则表达式regular expression
- 正相关positive correlation
- 正火normalizing
- 正事one's proper business