- 你们任劳任怨,克尽厥职,效率超卓;You have done an excellent job in maintaining good order in the Vietnamese migrant detention centres and implementing the Orderly Repatriation Programme.
- 他们的干劲和克尽厥职的工作态度,使香港在下一世纪成为一个更美好的地方,诚然令人鼓舞。Their enthusiasm and commitment to making Hong Kong an even better place in the next century is a great encouragement.
- 克尽厥职discharge fully one's duty
- 毋no
- 此外,金融检查机构未能克尽厥职也是道德风险提高的主要原因。Furthermore, the malpractice of lending institutions was not closely monitored and corrected by supervising government agencies.
- 忝在相好I disgrace you by my intimacy
- 忝不知羞I put shame on you by my Brazen face
- 忝罚权[经] chastisement
- 己所不欲毋施于人Do as you would be done by.
- 他们敬业乐业,克尽厥职,致力使香港在下世纪成为一个更美好的地方。这些特质是香港社会的珍贵资产。Their enthusiasm and commitment to making Hong Kong an even better place in the next century is a very valuable asset to all of us here in Hong Kong.
- 忝居末座Shamelessly occupying the lowest seat
- 调职relegation
- 无忝汝所生not be a disgrace to your forefathers
- 驱鼠毋需烧房屋。Burn not your house to fright away the mice.
- 忝在相知之列having the honour, though I'm unworthy of it, to be counted among your acquaintances
- 神职人员priestess
- 事实说话,毋须巧辩。The effect speak, the tongue needs not.
- 提多?坠?忝堑谋阋索幔Titus did not take advantage of you, did he?
- 知照毋违To hereby inform you and do not disobey
- 严厉攻击猖厥的犯罪行为to fulminate against the crime wave