- 河river
- 河的riverine
- 莱茵河Rhine
- 航空站depot
- 他是一位退役的海军军官。He is a retired naval officer.
- 用公共汽车载送旅客前往航空站。Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.
- 密西西比河Mississippi
- 我儿子在海军里。My son is in the navy.
- 过河cross the river
- 备用航空站alternate airport
- 从海军退伍之前,他是个中校。Before his retirement from the navy, he was a commander.
- 河区reach
- 首都航空站metropolitan airport
- 战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.
- 亚马逊河Amazon
- 停避航空站refuge aerodrome
- 这个海军陆战队的兵营是十年前建造的。The marine barracks were built ten years ago.
- 过河拆桥abandon one's benefactor once his help is not needed
- 正规航空站regular airport
- 英国海军预备舰队队旗the blue ensign