- 海宴堂西面Palace of The Calm of the Sea, West facade
- 海sea
- 海宴堂东面Palace of the Calm of the Sea, East facade
- 河river
- 海宴堂北面Palace of the Calm of the Sea, North facade
- 海宴堂南面Palace of the Calm of the Sea, South facade
- 澄limpid
- 河的riverine
- 海的maritime
- 莱茵河Rhine
- 海贼sea robber
- 澄空cloudless sky
- 海阔天空as boundless as the sea and sky
- 密西西比河Mississippi
- 过河cross the river
- 海角cape
- 河区reach
- 深海blue water
- 亚马逊河Amazon
- 加勒比海Caribbean Sea