- 烦躁烦恼的行为或事例The act or an instance of fretting.
- 烦躁(adj) jittery; twitchy; fidgety
- 烦躁的whiny
- 城里的交通噪声总是使城市居民烦恼。The noisy traffic is a continual annoyance to the citizens.
- 烦躁不安dysphoria
- 那孩子成了我一辈子的烦恼。That child is the plague of my life.
- 咳嗽已使我烦恼了一阵子了。The cough has been nagging me for some time.
- 这消息使约翰烦躁不安。The news made John irritable.
- 成长中的烦恼problems incidental to growing up
- 心情烦躁in a flutter
- 忘却你心中所有烦恼吧。Banish all troubles from your mind.
- 烦躁不安的dysphoric
- 别再烦恼了!Stop fretting away!
- 那滴水的龙头令我烦躁。The dripping faucet is fidgeting me.
- 她能够把烦恼置之度外而依旧保持笑容。She can shrug off her troubles and keep smiling.
- 睡眠使他把烦恼暂置脑后。Sleep was a balm to his troubles.
- 别那样烦躁。Stop fidgeting!
- 她对他的烦恼置之不理。She waved his worries aside.
- 使某人十分烦躁jangle one's nerves
- 我从不知道亨利是高兴还是烦恼,他总是一本正经的样子。I never know whether Henry is pleased or annoyed; he has a real poker face.