- 热舒适评价指标PMV-PPD在空调列车上的应用The Application of PMV-PPD in the Air-Conditioning Train
- 热舒适评价指标及冬季室内计算温度探讨Discussion of thermal comfort indices and design indoor temperature for winter heating
- 基于神经网络的室内热舒适指标PMV的预测Prediction of Thermal Comfort Parameter PMV Based on Neural Network
- 人的热舒适评价human thermal comfort evaluation
- 大热severe heat
- 高等医学院校教师课堂教学质量综合评价指标体系的研究The study on comprehensive item system of evaluation on quality of the faculty classroom teaching in higher medical schools
- 板式换热器plate exchanger
- 安全评价safety evaluation
- 热帖hot paste
- 医学科研项目实施过程评价指标体系的可靠性和真实性评价Validity and reliability evaluation for the evaluating indicator system of execution process in medical research project
- 基于神经网络的室内热舒适评判模型Evaluation model for indoor thermal comfort based on neural network
- 再热reheat (RH)
- 港口机械结构安全性评价指标体系中权重自学习方法的研究Weight Self Study in High Pedestal Jib Crane Metals Structure Safety Evaluation System
- 严寒地区村镇住宅冬季室内热舒适环境研究Research on the indoor thermal comfort environment of rural housing in winter in super- cold region
- 评价指标法Target evaluation method
- 一种基于模糊因果聚类的室内热舒适预测方法Forecast method based on fuzzy causation clustering for indoor thermal comfort
- 时序多指标综合评价Time Multi - dimension Evaluation
- 摩托车乘骑舒适性评价方法Evaluation Methods for Motorcycle Riding Comfort
- 工程车辆乘座舒适性评价试验Evaluation Test for the Drive Comfort on Engineering Vehicles