- 琴(mus. instr.)
- 毖prevent
- 崔毖Cui-bi
- 马克毖枪maxim
- 浪琴Longines; vibraphone
- 而毖后患provide against future troubles
- 他们之间并不太和谐。They did not jibe so well.
- 琴棋书画lute-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting
- 琴酒gin
- 将一个和谐的调子加入整个结构。then another melodic line is added to the texture.
- 一致或和谐To reconcile or harmonize.
- 琴瑟be on friendly terms
- 颜色等和谐Harmony, as of color.
- 澎湖耶水族馆玻璃壁有咧渗水,嘛有看会出来有毖开,毋恪馆主对游客讲嘿生成是物理耶现象,目前呀应该袂出问题。Bne/ o( Penghu) Aquarium is leaking water through the glass walls with visible cracks, although the manager assures visitors that it is a natural physical phenomenon and that there is no immediate safety concerns.
- 不和谐的声音inharmonious sounds
- 风奏琴eolian harp
- 音调和谐in perfect harmony; melodious; tuneful
- 钢片琴用锤子敲击可发出铃声似的声音的带键盘和金属片的乐器An instrument with a keyboard and metal plates struck by hammers that produce bell-like tones.
- 和谐社会是什么?What Is the Harmonious Society?
- 钉琴nail violin