- 二室双极膜电渗析器在低浓度二氧化硫净化工艺中应用的可行性Application of bipolar membrane electrodialysis with two cells in the process of purifying dilute sulphric dioxide
- 文摘:塔里木石油勘探开发指挥部净水站以电渗析为主体工艺,将苦咸水净化为优质的饮用水。Abstract: An electrodialysis process to converse the inland salt water to fresh drinking water was designed for the Tazhi Water Station in an oil field in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
- 电electricity
- 反电渗析reverse electro dialysis
- 电渗析工艺electrodialysis technique
- 多级电渗析multistage electrodialysis
- 血液透析,血液渗析通过渗析或透析把新陈代谢产生的废物排出血流的过程A procedure for removing metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the bloodstream by dialysis.
- 填充床电渗析packed-bed electrodialysis
- 使渗析或经受渗析To subject to or undergo dialysis.
- 渗析dialyses
- 扩散渗析diffusion dialysis
- 渗析膜dialyzer
- 渗析壳筒dialyzing thimble
- 微渗析microdialysis
- 碱液渗析器alkali dialyzer
- 平衡渗析法equilibrium dialysis
- 电渗析electrodialysis
- 叉车铅蓄电池用水制取工艺电渗析器-混合床离子交换工艺的运用Technics on Manufacturing Water Used in Lead Storage Cell of Fork-lift Truck
- 电渗析利用穿过渗析膜的电位加速的渗析,尤用于从胶体体系中除去电解质Dialysis at a rate increased by the application of an electric potential across the dialysis membrane, used especially to remove electrolytes from a colloidal suspension.
- 电渗析法electroosmose process