- 男人men
- 珍妮说她正考虑要参加一个KTV歌唱比赛。Janet said she is thinking about attending a KTV contest.
- 大男人主义male chauvinism
- 我今天晚上要跟我朋友去唱KTV。所以我现在得走了。I'm going to sing KTV with my friends tonight. So I've got to go now.
- 男人的masccline
- 熟悉健身、桑拿、KTV等酒店娱乐设施设备的操作和经营管理。Master facilities of gym, sauna, KTV etc. Effectively prepare and manage operation policy and procedures.
- 爱家的男人homebody
- 注意一个戴黑帽的高个男人。Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.
- 酒吧、咖啡厅、精品屋、歌舞厅、KTV包相、乒乓球、棋牌、游戏机、健身、美容、停车场等设施一应俱全,商务中心设备先进齐全。Cixi Hotel offers every facility for its guests, including bar, coffee shop, Superfines House, dance hall, KTV rooms, table-tennis room, chess &cards room, TV games center, massage, gymnasium, barber and parking lot.
- 男人女人men and women
- 爱情是男人仰看天空的一颗星,而婚姻是他掉进去的洞穴。Love is the star a man looking up to and marriage is the hole he falling into.
- 这男人中等个儿。The man is of medium height.
- 男人名Godfrey
- 一个好男人总是把家庭的幸福放在首位。A good man always puts his family's wellbeing first.
- 男人式的步伐A mannish stride.
- 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。She married a man who put her on a pedestal.
- 像男人的manly
- 大男人主义者male chauvinist
- 她怎能忍受得了那男人的轻浮?How could she tolerate the men's frivolity?
- 两个男人从卡车上卸下了货物。Two men unloaded the truck.