- 磁偏角Ddeclination D
- 磁偏角magnetic declination
- 维生素Dvitamin(e)
- 自动磁偏角AMV - Auto Mag Var
- 磁偏角弧declination arc
- A/D转换器A/D converter
- 地磁偏角geomagnetic declination
- D玻璃纤维D-glass fibre
- 磁偏角改正correction of magnetic variation
- D25 - ( OH ) 2 Vit D3
- 磁偏角略图magnetic declination diagram
- 性病(略为V.D.)venereal disease
- 磁偏角误差declination error
- d>(iv) the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity
- 任意磁偏角Arbitrary magnetized declination
- D-U-N-S?The D-U-N-S?
- 同轴磁偏角codeclination
- D 大调the key of D major
- 磁偏角记录器dynamogoniograph
- dégagé低领女服