
[shì wēi]



  1. 示威者挥舞着旗帜,呼喊着口号。
    The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
  2. 警察和示威群众混战起来。
    The police scuffled with the demonstrators.
  3. 示威者用棍棒和各种投掷物攻击警察。
    Demonstrators attacked the police, using sticks and assorted missiles.
  4. 汹涌而来的示威者冲破了围栏。
    A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence.
  5. 在伦敦和纽约同时举行示威游行。
    The simultaneous demonstrations are held in London and New York.
  6. 热情的示威游行者被新闻媒介忽视了。
    The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media.
  7. 警方说参加游行示威的人超过十万。
    The police said over 100,000 people had taken part in the demonstration.
  8. 当警察试图驱散示威者时,发生了几起零星的扭打。 
    A few isolated scuffles broke out when police tried to move the demonstrators.


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