



  • - (作为凭证的纸片) ticket:

    movie [train] ticket; 电影[火车]票

    examine [collect] tickets; 检[收]票

    - (选票) ballot:

    negative [affirmative] vote; 反对[赞成]票

    cast a ballot [vote]; vote; 投票

    - (钞票) bank note; bill:

    notes of small denominations; change 零票儿

    - (强盗绑架去用做抵押的人) a person held for ransom by brigands; hostage:

    kidnap (for ransom) 绑票儿

    - (旧时指非职业性的戏曲表演) amateur performance (of Beijing opera, etc.):

    amateur performer (of Beijing opera, etc.) 票友儿



  1. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。
    All passengers are required to show their tickets.
  2. 这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。
    The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.
  3. 人们正排队买票。
    People are queuing to buy tickets.
  4. 他送给我们足球赛的门票。
    He complimented us with tickets for the football game.
  5. 你拿到火车票了吗?
    Have you got your train ticket?
  6. 这张票已过了有效期,现在作废了。
    This ticket has passed its expiration date, and so it is now invalid.
  7. 公共汽车司机要求乘客买票。
    The bus driver asked the passengers to buy tickets.
目录 查词历史