- 关注秋山国际从信心到行动--赴日本秋山国际株式会社参观考察感受Pay Attention to Akiyama International be Confident in Belief and Actions--Impressions of Akiyama International in Japan, After Visiting
- 秋山女士希望,社会责任投资将吸引更年轻的投资者与更多的妇女。Ms Akiyama is hoping that the SRI will attract younger investors and more women into the market.
- 骆驼祥子name of a novel, Luo Tuo Xiangzi, by Lao She
- CZ-2CCZ-2C
- 祥子Xiangzi
- 2C基因2C gene
- 龙芯2CGodson 2C
- 刘姑娘正和祥子在煤气灯底下说话呢,大家彼此点了点头。Miss Liu was talking to Xiangzi under the kerosene lamp. They all nodded to each other.
- 祥子形象the image of XiangZi
- FY-2C云图FY-2C nephogram
- 在这么热闹的时节,祥子独自低着头在德胜门城根慢慢的走。During all this hustle and bustle, Xiangzi was walking slowly, head bowed, at the foot of the city walls at Desheng Gate.
- 2C′3AB基因2C'3AB gene
- 5-HTR1B/2C5 - HTR 1B/2C
- 祥子擦了把汗。Xiangzi mopped his brow.
- 祥子的车卖了!Xiangzi sold his rickshaw!
- MSA-2C基因MSA - 2c
- 非结构蛋白2Cnon-structurel protein 2C
- 祥子已经跑出二三十步去,可又不肯跑了,他舍不得那几匹骆驼。XIANGZI had run two dozen steps when he stopped short, unwilling to leave thane camels behind him.
- FY-2C卫星资料FY- 2C satellite photographs
- 祥子叫骆驼们跪下;He urged the camels to kneel.