- 管区覆盖网<消防调度指挥中心与通信指挥消防车jurisdictional coverage network
- P2P覆盖网P2P overlay
- 语义覆盖网semantic overlay network
- 覆盖网构造overlay construction
- 覆盖网nerve of a covering
- 淘宝网Taobao
- 流网drift net
- 内部网intranet
- 山上覆盖着一层薄雾。There was a veil of mist over the mountains.
- 覆盖网多播overlay muhicast
- 山顶被雪覆盖着。The mountain peak was covered with snow.
- 织网knitmesh
- 操场上覆盖着草皮。The playground was covered with sod.
- 网人netizen; net citizen
- 本地网LAN
- 村子被火山灰覆盖。The village was overwhelmed by ash from the volcano.
- 网布screen cloth
- 树木覆盖着庭院。The trees formed a canopy over the yard.
- 子网subnet
- 公路被雪覆盖着。The highway was covered with snow.