- 中波紫外线B辐射ultraviolet B radiation
- 辐射radiation
- 紫外线ultraviolet radiation
- 激光对蚕豆幼苗紫外线-B辐射损伤的防护作用Protect Effect of He-Ne Laser Pretreatment on Broad Bean Seedling Damage by UV-B
- 防辐射radiation protection
- B辐射UV-B radiation
- 紫外线的ultraviolet
- 辐射的radiant
- 防紫外线antiultraviolet
- 紫外B辐射UV-B radiation
- 太阳辐射solar radiation
- 增强紫外线-BUV-B radiation
- 海洋微藻对UV-B辐射增强与CO_2加富共同作用的复合响应Combined Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation and Enriched CO_2 on Marine Microalgae
- 能经化学反应感光的能通过化学反应对阳光或紫外线辐射反应的Capable of responding to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation by chemical reaction.
- 增强UV-B辐射对青榨槭和红桦幼苗生长和生理生态的影响Effects of Enhanced UV-B Radiation on Growth and Ecophysiological of Acer Davidii and Betula Albo-sinensis Seedlings
- 紫外UV-B辐射UV - B irradianee
- 紫外辐射-BUVB
- 增强UV-B辐射enhanced UV-B radiation
- UV-B辐射增强enhanced UV-B radiation
- 紫外线辐射也威胁着其他形式的生命。Ultraviolet radiation threatens other forms of life as well.