- 那些锅子,一例是些个怕摸怕碰的残次品,然而任是哪一种炊具,永远都绝难搞到手。They were wretched, flimsy things, but cooking-pots of any kind were always difficult to get.
- 恶习戒绝难。You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide.
- 实现这样的一致性会很繁琐,也很难一次实现,更不用说维护了。Such consistency would be tedious and quite difficult to implement once, let alone maintain.
- 在病刚发作时,詹尔斯太太便断定玛丽安绝难恢复健康。Mrs, Jennings had determined very early in the seizure that Marianne would never get over it.
- 这一般很难一眼将两者区分开来。It is often difficult to discern between the two.
- 杰拉尔德一见她进来便容光焕发了,仿佛施了魔术似的。Gerald's face had brightened as if by magic at her entrance.
- 绝cut short
- 难problem
- 请见vide
- 看不见unseen
- 权衡之下,殊难一言以蔽之而判定究竟给予外国投资者更大自由的是波兰还是南斯拉夫。On balance, it is impossible to generalize and determine whether Poland or Yugoslavia grants foreign investors more freedom.
- 绝色peerlessly beautiful
- 在病刚发作时,詹尔斯太太便断定玛丽安绝难恢复健康。Mrs. Jennings had determined very early in the seizure that Marianne would never get over it.
- 绝代peerless
- 虎姑娘屋中的灯还亮着呢。 一见这个灯亮,祥子猛的木在那里。The light was stall on in Tigress' room and at the sight he stopped dead.
- 为难make things difficult for
- 权衡之下,殊难一言以蔽之而判定究竟给予外国投资者更大自由的是波兰还是南斯拉夫。On balance, it is impossible to generalize and determine whether Poland or Yugoslavia grants foreign investors more freedom.
- 难的hardy
- 她一见我盯她就把自己的眼睛避开了。Her eyes shy away from mine.
- 很难very difficult