



  • - (丝的头) thread end
    - (事情的开端) thread; order in sequence or arrangement:

    main threads (of a complicated affair); main lines; 头绪

    be all set 准备就绪

    - (心情、思想等) mental or emotional state:

    be in a state of agitation 心绪不宁

    - (事业; 功业) task; cause; undertaking:

    carry on an unfinished task; take up where another has left off 续未竟之绪

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Xu Zhi 绪志



  1. 她情绪十分稳定。
    Mentally she's very stable.
  2. 过了一会儿,他的紧张情绪过去了,镇静了下来。
    After a time he lost his nervousness and began to feel himself again.
  3. 经历了如此多的不幸以后,保罗的情绪低落到了极点;不久以后他才开始感觉好受一些。
    After so many misfortunes, Paul's spirits touched bottom; soon afterwards he began to feel better.
  4. 悲伤的情绪贯穿于她的诗作中。
    A thread of sorrow winds through her poetry.
  5. 她情绪低落,一切都听之任之。
    She got depressed and began to let things slide.
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