



  • - (捕鱼捉鸟的器具) net:

    fishnet; fishing net 鱼网

    - (像网的东西) thing which looks like a net:

    hairnet; 发网

    electrified barbed wire; 电网

    - (像网一样的组织或系统) network:

    a network of broadcasting stations; 广播网

    a network of railways; 铁路网

  • - (用网捕捉) catch with a net; net:

    net fish; 网鱼

    He netted a lot of butterflies. 他网了许多蝴蝶。

    - (像网似的笼罩着) cover [enclose] as with a net:

    have bloodshot eyes 眼里网着血丝



  1. 这个地区还不在通讯网的覆盖之内。
    This area has not been covered by the communication net.
  2. 她给了我一张铁路网图解。
    She gave me a diagram of railway network.
  3. 你可以接通全国计算机网络。
    You can plug into the national computer network.
  4. 一个Web对象可以是一个网页(或其中的部分)、一幅图象、纯文本文件、一个目录,一个Java小程序或CGI手稿。
    A web object can be a web page(or part thereof), an image, plain file, a directory, a Java applet, or CGI script.
  5. 你知道美国的三大电视网吗?
    Do you know the three USA television networks?
  6. 他把网球打过了网。
    He hit the tennis ball over the net.
  7. 这家公司有着遍布全国的商店网。
    The company has a network of shops all over the country.
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