
[tuō tāi huàn gǔ]




脱胎换骨 [tuō tāi huàn gǔ]
  • - be reborn -- thoroughly to remould oneself; be born again; cast off one's old self and take on a new self; create new things out of the old; get rid of one's mutual frame; make a thoroughgoing change; make new men (of them); mend one's ways and live almost as a new man; One must amend [correct] one's character in a thorough-going manner.; One must be, as it were, born again to undo the evil one has acquired; start life anew as though one were reborn; turn over a new leaf; undergo a complete [thorough] change:

    remould oneself thoroughly and become a new man 脱胎换骨,重新做人

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