- 腺病毒D族adenovirus group D
- 芹菜夜蛾核型多角体病毒D克隆株SfaNPV D-clone
- 腺病毒adenovirus
- 病毒virus
- 探讨了经典的两个重尾随机变量族ERV族和D族的关系,发现D族主要是由ERV族构成的,得到了D族上随机和精确大偏差结论;We have discovered the relationship between classical heavy-tailed class D of random variables and heavy-tailed class ERV which can be more easily dealt with,and we have obtained the accurate large deviation conclusion about random sums of heavy-tailed random variables that belongs to the class D.
- 腺病毒A族adenovirus group A
- 腺病毒B族adenovirus group B
- 马腺病毒equine adenovirus
- 构建细菌内同源重组型hTERT调控区反义RNA腺病毒载体。Construction of antisense RNA expression vector of the regulation region of hTERT using the adnovirus system by homorecombination in E. Coli.
- 腺病毒C族adenovirus group C
- 蛙腺病毒Frog adenovirus
- 腺病毒7型A d-7; adenovirus type 7
- 腺病毒S-1SV 1 virus
- 腺病毒S-2SV 11 virus
- 腺病毒S-3SV 15 virus
- 腺病毒S-4SV 17 virus
- 腺病毒S-5SV 20 virus
- 腺病毒S-6SV 23 virus
- 腺病毒S-8SV 30 virus
- 腺病毒S-9SV 31 virus