
[zì kuā]



  1. 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
    He does not plume himself on these achievements.
  2. 对于这一点,我可以豪不自夸地说,在历届美国总统竞选中,没有任何一位候选人象我这样不遗余力地促进统一战线的建立。
    On this point, I think I can say without boast, that never in the history of American Presidential campaigns has a candidate gone further than I did in attempting to create a united front.
  3. 他自夸自己游泳高明。
    He boasts himself a good swimmer.
  4. 他喜欢自夸。
    He's given to boasting.
  5. 他自夸是队里的最佳队员。
    He boasted of being/boasted that he was the best player in the team.


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