- 快哄哄孩子,他哭了好几个钟头了。Try to pacify the child, he's been crying for hours.
- 法哄哄我,惹我大笑一场,To put me off for a minute or make me laugh
- 笨拙地、哄哄塔塔地走、跳等Flop about/around
- 臭stink
- 你要是哄哄他,他就会帮你干活。If you sweeten him up he'll do the work for you.
- 哄resound with laughter
- 主教先生,永生之说只能哄哄小孩。Immortality, Bishop, is a chance, a waiting for dead men's shoes.
- 臭的odoriferous
- 臭美show off shamelessly; be disgustingly smug
- 我没有睡呀,我闭着眼是为了哄哄日本人的呀。I wasn't sleeping, I was only closing my eyes to fool the Japanese.
- 除臭deodorization
- 忽然枪声听不见了,只听得远远的哄哄的人声。Suddenly the firing became louder than before and the stutterof a machine-gun was added to the noise.
- 臭鼬skunk
- 不要烦我啦,你们大家这样一哄我,搞得我晕头转向啦。Let me alone. I don't know whether I'm on my head or my heels when you all start on me like this.
- 老水手给孩子们讲自己海上生活的故事,来哄他们高兴。The old sailer beguiled the boys with stories about his life at sea.
- 忽然枪声听不见了,只听得远远的哄哄的人声。Suddenly the firing became louder than before and the stutter of a machine-gun was added to the noise.
- 他们花言巧语哄得邻居同意,便把不喜欢的客人打发到他们那里去了。They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours.
- 他试着去哄那个在哭的孩子。He tried to soothe the crying child.
- 正在哄婴儿的毛莱尔太太闻声跳起来,冲进去劈脸给了他一巴掌。Mr. Morel, trying to soothe the baby, jumped up, rushed at him, boxed his ears.
- 难哄的小孩﹑ 难对付的顾客﹑ 难讨好的上司a difficult child, customer, boss, etc