


  1. 他最後厌倦了这种艰苦的尝试。
    Eventually he tired of trying so hard.
  2. 看来他不愿做艰苦的工作。
    He seems to be averse to hard work.
  3. 这些艰苦的工作使我疲惫不堪。
    I'm worn out by all this hard work.
  4. 他因艰苦的工作而疲倦。
    He is weary with hard work.
  5. 在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。
    We led a hard life in times of stress.
  6. 多年艰苦的劳动使他丧失了健康。
    He forfeited his health due to years of hard work.
目录 查词历史