- 萧条depression
- 经济萧条economic depression
- 大萧条Great Depression
- 败落decline (in wealth and position)
- 萧条的stagnant
- 败落的undone
- 败落时销声匿迹go up like a rocket and come down like a stick
- 很多人都这么想,这个国家败落了。Many people think this country's going to the dogs.
- 经济大萧条great economic depression
- 败落者Deg; degenerate
- 使败落undo
- 公司深受经济萧条的影响The company was hit hard by the recession.
- 家道败落The family is in straited circumstances; One's family fortunes declined; One's family has come down in the world
- 他在大萧条时期失业了。He lost his job during the great depression.
- 日益败落on the wane
- 现在生意萧条。Business is slack now.
- 逐渐败落on the decline; on the wane
- 商业周期经历突然的萧条。The business cycle experienced a sudden down.
- 有的人败落了。Some slipped a little downward.
- 经济萧条时期许多银行破产。There were many bank failures during the depression.