- 虚情假义的眼泪fictive tears
- 他的那番悲伤的表露完全是虚情假义。His show of grief was a farce.
- 假情假义hypocrisy
- 他的心里充满了感激之情。His heart overflowed with gratitude.
- 这枚硬币是假的。This coin is a counterfeit.
- 虚型Syndrome of deficiency
- 那些花看上去是假的。Those flowers look unreal.
- "调查行动突如其来," 一个[证券]经纪人的律师说。 "大家都一点也不知情。""The investigation came right out of the blue, " said an attorney representing one trader. "No on knew anything about it."
- 奥义书Upanishad
- 虚领xu ling
- 这是幅假画。This is a fake picture.
- 对那件事他的行为确属无情。His behavior on that occasion was extremely callous.
- 拜物主义fetishism
- 天虚heavenly deficiency
- 这故事是以假想为基础的。The story is based on supposition.
- 她心里充满了感激之情。Her heart was filled with gratitude.
- 虚衔nominal title
- 义面word semantic
- 半真半假的话常常跟谎言一样糟。A half truth is often no better than a lie.
- 义工团体volunteer group