- 服装面料表面闪燃性能试验方法的开发Development in Test Method of Surface Flash-point for Garment Fabrics
- 表面闪燃<在基本结构未起火的情况下surface flash
- 但埃蒙斯观察到发生闪燃时,热烟层瞬即下落。But Emmons observed that at flashover, the hot smoky layer instantly drops down.
- 闪燃发生前,着火房间里的人可沿着地板爬行到安全地带。Before flashover occurs, a person in a burning room may crawl to safety along the floor.
- 闪燃发生前,着火房间里的人可沿着地板爬行到安全地带。Before flashover occurs, a person in a burning room may crawl to safety along the floor.
- 月球表面lunar surface
- 用湿布抹一下表面。Sponge down the surface with a wet cloth.
- (陶瓷器)表面的裂缝A fine crack in a surface or glaze.
- 阿贝尔闪点测定仪Abel flash point apparatus
- 阿罗索表面活性剂Aerosol surfactants
- 快燃fast burn
- 阿贝尔闭杯闪点测定仪Abel closed cup flash point apparatus
- 铀表面Surface of uranium
- 补燃系统Supplemental Firing System
- 阿贝尔闪点Abel flash point
- 爱火重燃fall into love again
- 表面细分Subdivision surface
- 阿贝尔闪点仪Abel flash-point apparatus
- 工件表面surface of the work
- 燃媒锅炉coal-burning boiler