- 裹足bind the feet of women
- 杜口裹足speechless and motionless with fear
- 进advance
- 因此不要闲下来无事可做,而滞足不前。So do not sit idle thinking you will always be in top notch condition!
- 从来源与演变看"裹足"的释义The Source and Evolution of the Phrase "Guo Zu"
- 意足不求颜色似,前身相马九方皋--论陈与义的咏物诗Attaching Importance to the Likeness in Spirit Rather Than in Appearance--On Chen Yuyi's Chant Poems
- 缩进indent
- 走进step in
- 敛足不前hold one's steps and refuse to go further
- 请进walk up
- 足foot (feet)
- 裹wrap around
- 他太固执己见, 听不进别人的意见。He is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.
- 蹑足不前move a step forward
- 与时俱进advance with the times
- 顿足不前come to a standstill
- 快进speed
- 如果没有书籍,上帝会沉默,正义将消失,科学裹足,哲学残缺,语言枯燥,万物笼罩在黑暗之中。Without books, God is silent, justice dormant, natural science at a stand, philosophy lame, letters dumb, and all things involved in darkness.
- 链接服务试图传输一个目前容纳不进驱动程序缓冲区的帧。The Link Service has attempted to transmit a frame that will not currently fit into the driver's buffer.
- 脚软,足不收,足软,宗筋纵pedal flaccidity