- 自动探火灭火装置automatical explore and extinguish system
- 测氡探火机理的研究Study on mechanism of detecting underground fire by Radon measurement technique
- 火fire
- 火探管式自动探火灭火装置Automatic Detecting and Fire Extinguishing Device of Fire Trace Tube
- 触摸touch
- 探to explore
- 间接式火探管式自动探火灭火装置Indirect type of Automatic Detecting and Fire Extinguishing Device of Fire Trace Tube
- 触摸板touch pad
- 自动喷水器、探火和失火报警系统Auto sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems
- 火的igneous
- 花火petard
- 声和光是触摸不到的。Sound and light are intangible.
- 嗅探器sniffer
- 过火overshoot
- 探析analysis
- 黑灯瞎火dark
- 神探expert detective
- 星探talent
- 走火fire accidentally
- 探秘explore secrets