- 言word
- 一面之词a one-sided statement
- 有些巧言善辩之词反对宽恕。Persuasive arguments have been made against forgiving.
- 之後afterwards
- 他气势汹汹地发出威胁之词。He blustered out a threat.
- 你不可听信他的阿谀之词。You must not fall for his flatteries.
- 他的信中充满阿谀之词。His letter was dripping with flattery.
- 浮夸之词A pompous and high-flown statement
- "见面时彼此悲喜交接,未免又大哭一阵,后又致喜庆之词."But the joy of their reunion was tempered by grief. After a storm of weeping they exchanged condolences and congratulations.
- 那是推托之词。That was a white lie.
- 过分夸赞的文章一篇通常写在书的封皮页上以促销的充满夸张赞扬之词的文章A piece of writing, as on the jacket of a book, containing often exaggerated praise, used for promotional purposes.
- 陈腐之词a hackneyed phrase
- 褒贬之词bouquets and brickbats
- 你不能相信片面之词。You must not believe an ex parte statement.
- 芜杂之词Ambiguous words
- 悬揣之词An ambiguous statement
- 愤激之词Words uttered with indignation
- 叱责严厉的责备之词A sharp reproof.
- 润饰之词Ornamental words that gloss over faults
- 推托之词words that make excuses