



  • - (讨伐) send army or despatch troops to suppress or assault:

    send a punitive expedition against; 征讨

    fight enemy; 讨贼

    - (索取;请求) ask for; beg for; demand:

    demand the payment of a debt; dun; 讨账

    ask for tips; 讨赏钱

    - (谴责) denounce; condemn; censure:

    denounce; condemn 声讨

    - (娶) marry:

    get a wife; get married 讨媳妇

    - (招惹) provoke; incur; court; invite:

    court a rebuff; ask for a snub; 讨了个没趣儿

    ingratiate oneself with sb.; ingratiate oneself into sb.'s favour; 讨人欢心

    - (讨论) discuss:

    deliberate; discuss; 研讨

    inquire into; probe into; 探讨



  1. 这个无家可归的男孩靠乞讨和偷窃为生。
    The homeless boy begs and thieves for a living.
  2. 一个流浪汉来到门前讨饭吃。
    A tramp come to the door and ask for food.
  3. 如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。
    If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it.
  4. 酒後开车是自讨苦吃。
    Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble.
  5. 你自讨苦吃。
    You ask for it!


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