- 语义搜索引擎Smartchsemantic search engine Smartch
- 面向语义Web的搜索引擎构想Conceiving of Search Engine Based on Semantic Web
- 语义暗示semantic cue
- 语义差别法semantic differential method
- 搜索引擎(Internet) search engine
- 语义型语法分析程序semantic grammar parsers
- 怎么样使用搜索引擎呢?How do you use the search engine?
- Web语义Web semantic
- 语义Websemantic Web
- 语义块Semantic chunk
- 语义簇semantic clusters
- 语义链semantic link
- 迹语义trace semantics
- 语义P2PSemantic P2P
- 语形语义Syntactic Structure and Semantic Meaning
- 辅语义块accessorial truck
- 改进语义augment semantics
- 反义语义成分antonymous semantic element
- 因果语义causal semanitics
- 分类语义classification semantics